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Z Chickz Driver Profile
January 2004
Christi - 350zSpeedRacer  


Timid? I think not. Adrenaline junkie? Now that’s more like it! If it goes fast or makes a lot of noise, more than likely, Christi’s interested. This Texas girl isn’t afraid of much.

Growing up around her father’s two time world champion Pro Modified drag bike team, Christi has always been intrigued by engines, their inner workings, and getting them to make more power.

At 16, she finally got her driver’s license and that meant it was time to head to the local drag strip. While her Chevy truck didn’t quite thrill her, consistently beating her dad’s times in his Corvette was addicting. Not to mention all the fun she had beating many of the guys who went out every weekend.

Later on came Frank Hawley’s Drag Racing School to earn an NHRA Super Comp license. Not only did she get it, but she had the quickest pass of the class – an 8.28 at 147 mph.

Our very own Speed Racer took somewhat of a break from Drag Racing to go to Texas A&M University. She really had to buckle down to get her finance degree. Of course, all that studying paid off – she’s got a good job now that helps pay for her racing “habit.”

How did Christi wind up auto crossing a 350Z after so many years of running the 1320’? Right after graduating from high school, she passed up on a beautiful 1994 300ZX TT for a brand new LS1 Camaro SS to keep on drag racing. Once she found out the Z was making its comeback, she wasn’t about to miss out twice. The 2003 season was kind of a test and tune thing, buying a few parts here and there, and of course, installing as much of it as she could herself. The new season officially starts up in Solo II in March, and Christi is already waiting.

You’d think that all this racing and working on a car would drive most people mad. Luckily for Christi, she married a great guy in March of 2003, who’s just as obsessed with cars and “the need for speed.” He’s been brave enough to stick around for 5 years now. It’s certainly a match made for the winner’s circle – how many husbands do you know that would chip in around the house so his wife can run off to the race track?


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© 2003 Z Chickz
Last updated: Sunday, January 14, 2007 8:45 AM