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The finished look...
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Intake mounted
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Passenger side view
How to Install
Kinetix SSV Intake Manifold
on a 350Z

You will need:

  • Metric socket set, 3/8" drive
  • Ratchets, 3/8" drive
  • Extension, 3/8", 6" long
  • Metric box/open end wrench set
  • Flat-head screwdrivers, various sizes
  • Pliers: needle-nose, standard
  • Allen wrench set
  • Dikes to clip zip ties
  • Trays to hold nuts and bolts
  • Zip ties: large, medium, small
  • If using a boost gauge: vacuum line: 1' and connector
  • Shop rags of course
  • Optional: Grinding tool with 60 grit drum to reshape the engine cover

NOTE: These photos also show the mounting of the Altered Atmosphere Motorsports Fuel Rail Kit fuel pressure regulator with the Kinetix SSV - see related article AAM Fuel Rail Kit - you can also see stock plenum removal photos at the beginning of the article


1. Remove strut tower bar
2. Remove engine cover
3. Remove intake piping from throttle body - completely removing an entire section is recommended - you may have to remove the MAF connector as well, depending on your setup and what you remove
4. Remove all wires and hoses attached to the upper plenum - there are two coolant hoses going to the lower part of the plenum near the throttle body that will be easier to remove after the upper plenum is loose
5. Remove all bolts and two nuts holding the upper plenum in place - 10mm
6. Remove upper plenum - here is where you can easily remove the two coolant hoses going to the bottom of the plenum near the throttle body
7. Remove the hose from the front of the lower plenum
8. Remove the bolts from the lower plenum - 6 in the center, and two nuts outside center front and rear - 10mm
9. Remove the lower plenum and cover the intake manifold with shop cloth
10. Remove the throttle body from the upper plenum and attach to the SSV intake
11. Attach the supplied connector between the coolant hoses that previously went to the bottom of the upper plenum (shown in lower right corner of top photo on right side)
12. Attach the EVAP control unit upside down to the bracket on the SSV intake
13. Insert the passenger side intake mounting screws and carefully position the intake for mounting
14. Using the supplied allen wrench, get the passenger side screws started (use care to avoid cross-threading the screws)
15. Tighten all six mounting screws and the two end nuts (use original nuts) as outlined in the supplied instructions
NOTE: You can't use a torque wrench so you'll have to estimate proper torque - around 9 foot-pounds should be adequate
16. Attach the throttle body electrical connector
17. Attach the intake ducting and MAF sensor electrical connector
18. Attach the stock S-curve hose to the rear connector on the intake
19. Attach the hose that previously went to the front of the lower plenum to the center connector on the intake
20. If using a boost gauge, install the front connector and then boost gauge vacuum line
21. If you want to use your engine cover, you will have to reshape it around the new intake lines - I used a Dremel with a 60 grit sanding drum to shape it to fit
- I set the shaping lines using electrical tape - you will not be able to use the rear bolt holes on the cover, so shape those out on both sides - reinstall custom shaped engine cover
22. Reinstall strut tower bar and step back and admire your handiwork!

Have some mod installation tips
or you-fix-it help?
E-mail it to Tere

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Closeup of finished look
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AAM fuel pressure regulator
placement - see related article
(note shortened fuel line)
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Driver side view
© 2003 Z Chickz
Last updated: Sunday, January 14, 2007 8:45 AM